Do It Yourself Christmas Wreaths?

YOU could do this! If you were inclined. And talented. 
Had lots of spare time, hot glue sticks and patience. 

Jenny from Little Green Notebook could surely do it. She is oh-so-talented. And she has kids. 
Three of them, like me. And a job. 
And yet she manages to do things like upholster head boards while her kids are sleeping. 

However, if you're like me, you are probably more prone to "buy it yourself" due to life logistics like three kids, a dishwasher to empty, gymnastics, music class and a house to Swiffer

Target and West Elm had some great wreaths that look "do it yourself"

Except, Cyber Monday is much, much too late to be thinking about purchasing them, because the ones I wanted are sold out by now.

By the way: West Elm, I'm loving most everything you did for holiday decor this year. 

As for me, with the current time predicament, its likely we'll end up with Home Depot evergreen wreaths on our front door and over the mantle. Dolled up slightly. But not painstakingly. 

I guess that will make them, "Modify Yourself".
Which might just make me the Sandra Lee of craft projects.